Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Perspective Of A Human Resource Manager - 964 Words

According to a press release distributed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), fiscal year 2014 â€Å"had 88,778 charges of workplace discrimination† (EEOC, 2015). In contrast, the comparatively low number of cases publicized is a testament to the efficiency of the EEOC’s processes. The EEOC is not out to get employers, but was â€Å"Established to administer and enforce the Civil Rights Act at work† (Dessler, 2015, p. 28). The EEOC’s processes are well defined, fair and offer various options and opportunities that can lead to resolution rather than litigation. They are an impartial body, just as Christ in Romans 2:11, â€Å"For there is no partiality with God† (Biblegateway, 1993). This paper will provide a company or manager’s a need to know overview of the EEOC enforcement process and will discuss the personal application from the perspective of a Human Resource Manager. Originating from Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, the EEOC enforces anti-discrimination law by â€Å"handling claims, initiating and investigating charges of discrimination filed against employers† (Kimbell, 2011). Each claim is funneled through channels that eventually impose compliance with the law. The process begins when an individual files a claim within a 300-day statutory period from the date of the act, or 180 days in some states, of the discrimination based on â€Å"Race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, and genetics or in retaliation for opposing jobShow MoreRelatedHalifax - Performance of Branch 54461675 Words   |  7 Pagesthe perspectives of Human Resources, Operations, Markets, Finance and Accounting, and Information, which are associated with the Halifax’s Balanced Scorecard quadrants and theory ‘Z’. The main concerns were HR management and Information flow, although all perspectives had areas to improve. 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